Is It Safe to Sleep on a Trampoline? | Benefits and Drawbacks

Sleepover is a pretty common thing but not when it comes to trampolines. Due to there being a lot of buzz about trampoline sleepovers, the question in everyone’s mind is whether it is safe to sleep on a trampoline or not.

If the trampoline is set up correctly then adults and children over 6 should have no problem sleeping on a trampoline. But it is not all sunshine and roses as there are cons to sleeping on a trampoline. In this article, we will discuss in detail whether Is it safe to sleep on a trampoline or not. Let’s dive into the details.

Sleeping on a Trampoline

In order to sleep on a trampoline and make it a fun thing, there are a couple of things that you need to do:


Before sleeping on the trampoline, you need to thoroughly clean the surface. You can use a wet piece of cloth to clean the mat. A dry cloth can be then used for drying the mat. This will provide you with a clean surface to sleep on.

Pillows & Blankets

pillow and blankets on trampoline

One of the best things is to use a sleeping bag but if you don’t have one then you can make use of pillows and blankets as well. You can also use a thin mattress as the base for extra comfort.


The most important thing is to install a safety net around your trampoline. This will prevent falling over the trampoline and thus avoid any injuries. If your trampoline doesn’t have a safety net then make sure to install one before you sleep on it.


If you want more of a camping experience, then you can also set up a tent on top of the trampoline. This will provide you protection against rain as well as sunlight. A tent comes with a lot of advantages when used on a trampoline.

Benefits of Sleeping on a Trampoline

Sleeping on a trampoline

The three major benefits of sleeping on a trampoline are:

1. Fun

As the trampoline has a bouncy surface, so it allows you to relax and just have fun. You feel like sleeping on a cloud. It provides a fun experience.

2. Meditation

You can reconnect with nature and meditate when sleeping on a trampoline. It allows us to have a glance at the sky and take a breath of fresh air. If you have a lot of stress at work, then a trampoline will allow you to clear your mind of all the stress.

3. Bonding

You can also enhance your bonding with your loved ones by sleeping on a trampoline. The face-to-face interaction ignites the spark and lets you bond with your family members or friends.


Sleeping on a trampoline also comes with its fair share of drawbacks as well:

1. Falling Off

The biggest risk of sleeping on a trampoline is falling off it. If you don’t have a safety net, then it is pretty dangerous to sleep on it.

2. Back Pain

As there is no proper support present on a trampoline, it can cause back pain if slept on for a long time.drawback of sleeping on a trampoline

If you are looking to sleep on a trampoline, then first put a mattress over it. It is a short-term solution and is not recommended for long time periods.

3. Rain

You are exposed to all kinds of weather when sleeping on a trampoline. Even if the weather is good, insects and mosquitoes can still prevent you from sleeping at all.


If you are spending a lot of time on the trampoline then it can be quite drastic for your spine. You can develop back pain and can also harm your spine as well.

Therefore, it is only advisable to sleep on a trampoline for a short period of time. It is also important that you install a safety net and use a mattress to sleep on the trampoline.

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