How To Make Trampoline Bouncier: 3 Actually Working Methods

Nothing kills the excitement more than a trampoline that just flops around like dead fish when you jump on it. But what if we tell you that we have an answer to how to make trampoline bouncier?

We’ve got some secret tricks up our sleeve that will bring back your trampoline to life once more in no time. So stick with us as we explore 3 different methods and the tools required for making the trampoline bouncy again.

Let’s get started!

Things To Consider Before Making A Trampoline Bouncier

When you’re looking to make your trampoline bouncier, there are a few things you should consider first. Here are the two most important:

1. Spring Cover

If you have a trampoline with springs, it’s essential to make sure the spring cover is secure and in good condition. If there are any tears or loose fabric, it may be time to replace the cover so your trampoline can reach its full bouncing potential. This will also help protect users from any sharp edges.

2. Safety Net

Safety netting is essential for any trampoline, as it keeps users safe from falling off or getting injured from a hard landing. Safety nets can also help create a better jumping experience by providing more cushion and support.

Tools & Accessories Needed to Make Trampoline Bouncy

  • Tightening tool
  • Weights or sandbags
  • Gloves
  • Spring puller
  • Mallet
  • Trampoline mats (optional)

How to Make a Trampoline Bouncier Using 3 Different Methods

3 methods for making trampoline bouncy

Here we will look at three different methods of making a trampoline bouncier that will help you get back to enjoying jumping around again in no time with minimal effort. Let’s take a look.

Method 1: Replace Existing Springs

If your trampoline is old or has been used for a while, it may be time to replace the springs.

  • Start by using a spring puller to remove the old springs.
  • Use gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges on the trampoline frame or springs.
  • Measure the spring size and purchase new ones that are just as long or slightly longer than the old ones.
  • Put them into place with a mallet, and then cover the new springs with a spring cover.

Even if the springs were old but still in good condition, it’s a good idea to replace them anyway, as they tend to stretch out over time. This should help make your trampoline bouncier.

Method 2: Add More Springs to make Trampoline Bouncier

Add More Springs to make Trampoline Bouncier

Another way to make your trampoline bouncier is to add more springs simply. You can do this by measuring the distance between the existing springs and buying longer ones that fit.

Then, make sure they are securely fastened in place using a tightening tool. You can also secure the new springs with weights or sandbags to help them stay in place.

Method 3: Crossing Springs

This method is the simplest and most cost-effective way to make a trampoline bouncier. All you need to do is find the springs that are the closest to each other and cross them over.

This will ensure they are evenly distributed, which should help make your trampoline bouncier. You can also add trampoline mats to provide extra cushioning and protection against hard landings.

This crossing procedure can be done in three following patterns.

X Pattern

In this pattern, the springs are crossed in an “X” shape so that each spring is connected to one other. But how does this make the trampoline bouncier? The crossing of the springs in an X pattern creates a greater tension between the springs which makes the trampoline more responsive and, thus, bouncier.

V Pattern

Similarly to the X-pattern, this approach does not need the use of a spring or the associated cost. It is necessary to remove three springs in a row before moving on. Put the ends of any two springs you choose into the structure’s central spring slots.

The third and first mat V-hooks are used to secure the free ends of the two springs. As a result, there will be no spring in the second mat position.

W Pattern

It’s a modernized take on the classic V design. You will need to purchase more springs to create the W pattern. It combines elements of both a straight and a V-shaped design. To break up the monotony of the linear pattern, use a V-shape. Thus, there will be three springs for every third level.

The W-pattern is challenging to master but is one of the most effective techniques to increase the trampoline’s bounce. Properly doing so will cause an additional spring to be sent to the peak of W.

For more details, check out the following video:

Why Do Trampolines Lose Their Bounce?

Trampolines tend to lose their bounce over time due to the following reasons:

  • Exposure to weather conditions
  • Poor quality of materials used
  • Overuse and misuse of the trampoline
  • Lack of regular maintenance

Regular Inspection is Important

Regularly check for any signs of wear and tear on the trampoline. Ensure all the components are secure, including the springs, mats, and frames. If any part is loose, tighten it right away or replace it if necessary.

Also, inspect the padding and make sure there are no tears or holes. Finally, keep the trampoline clean and debris-free to ensure it lasts longer and stays bouncy.

Related: How to Fix a Hole in a Trampoline

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a trampoline bounce?

A trampoline’s bounce is caused by the tension created between the springs and the weight of a person jumping on it. The more evenly distributed the tension is between all the springs, the more bounce a trampoline will have.

Do trampolines get bouncier over time?

Trampolines can become bouncier over time if properly maintained and used correctly. Regularly inspecting the trampoline for signs of wear and tear and ensuring all components are secure can help keep the trampoline bouncy.

Are bigger trampolines less bouncy?

Bigger trampolines can be less bouncy due to the increased weight of a user and more components that could become loose over time. However, with proper maintenance and regular inspection of the trampoline, it can be just as bouncy as a smaller one.

Can you cross the springs on a trampoline?

Yes, you can cross the springs on a trampoline to make it bouncier. Cross them in an “X” shape or use the W pattern for a more modern approach. These techniques prove helpful in increasing the trampoline’s bounce.


Bouncier trampolines are definitely more fun and exciting. By understanding the principles behind what makes a trampoline bouncier, you can make sure your trampoline continues to provide an enjoyable experience for years to come.

Our three methods are all great ways to ensure your trampoline continues to be bouncy and safe. So, has your trampoline lost its bounce? Let us know in the comment section.

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