How To Bury A Trampoline In 5 Easy Steps

Parents are always conscious of the safety of their children and want to provide them with the best possible environment to enjoy their childhood. A trampoline can be a great addition to the backyard and provide hours of fun for the entire family. However, some parents worry about the safety of having a trampoline in the yard. If you’re one of those parents, you should learn how to bury a trampoline in the ground.

I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of people with their entire backyard trampoline sunken into the ground level with the rest of their yard.

And while it may seem like a daunting task, I’m here to tell you that it’s not as complicated as it looks. With some planning and elbow grease, you’ll have your trampoline buried in no time.

Here’s what you’ll need to do.

How to Bury a Trampoline – 5 Easy Steps to Follow

how to bury a trampoline

1. Find the Ideal Spot

Pick a good spot for the trampoline before digging the hole. It should be located far from any structures or features in the yard that may damage jumpers if they miss the mark. Examine the ground as well to make the installation procedure simpler.

Digging in some soil or having worse water drainage after the system is built may be more challenging. In the monsoon season, water may accumulate on hard soils like clay because they do not flow as efficiently as softer soils.

2. Digging A Hole

Regardless of your method, the portion of the procedure that involves digging the hole for the trampoline can wind up being the one that takes the longest to complete.

digging a hole to bury a trampoline

You may lease equipment to help you make the hole, or you can use regular simple shoves and sweat to do it yourself. If you want to save yourself some time and energy instead of excavating it by hand, spending about $200 to hire a tiny backhoe is money well spent.

Do not excavate until you have determined its height and diameter. The ideal size of the hole would be exactly as deep as it is tall. Then, allow space for the air to escape when the jumpers are in mid-air. To prevent it from sinking into the earth and suffocating, digging exactly the same depth as its height is necessary.

3. Leveling Materials

After excavating the hole to the required depth and diameter, the trampoline’s legs and frame can be lowered into it. It is necessary to level it since the ground is unlikely to be perfectly flat. If it is not perfectly balanced, you can take the help of cinder blocks or wooden blocks to raise or lower it.

Cinder blocks are your best option if you want to prevent future re-leveling and accidental breakage of the wood.

In order to establish a solid foundation, cinder blocks must be set in a hole drilled in the ground. First, you need to dig the holes so deeper that you can place half a cinder block in each and yet have extra space for the trampoline to sit a few inches off the ground.

Next, you’ll need to put three or four cinder blocks side by side and touch them so the legs can sit flush. To guarantee accurate alignment, use a plank and level.

After you get the cinder blocks sunk halfway, set up the trampoline on top, making sure that the very end of the frame is 2 to 4 inches from the ground. Maintaining the bounce requires openings for air to escape. Lack of venting prevents air from escaping, preventing the mat from flexing and reducing the mat’s bounce.

Alternatively, you may use leveling blocks to assist with the uneven surface below or above the ground.

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4. Build a Support to Bury Trampoline

When you are confident that the trampoline will fit in the hole properly, detach the frame from within the hole. To ensure the frame’s durability and steadiness, you’ll need to construct a supporting perimeter.

This enclosing framework is simple to make with only some wooden planks and sheet metal. It’s important to remember to allow a gap of at least one and a half feet at both the top and bottom of the frame while installing it.

Lay the boards horizontally, spaced a few feet apart, and fasten them into the trampoline’s legs. After you’ve gone all the way around the trampoline with the planks, you can use them as a foundation for drilling holes in the metal enclosure.

Sheet metal must produce a smooth, even appearance with minimal spaces between the pieces.

5. Dumping Soil in Its Place

dumping soil

If you want to ensure the cinder blocks and frame stay there while people are jumping on them, you’ll need to compress the ground around them. Be careful the soil rises from the bottom of the hole to the top on all sides. A good rule of thumb is to have it cover about a third of your metal encircling framework.

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It’s a great way to keep kids entertained while ensuring their safety. So, no need to worry about them slipping and falling off anymore. Follow these simple steps if you are wondering how to bury a trampoline in the ground.

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